Sunday, 7 April 2013

pMadrak vs Reznik, 42 pts Saturday gaming!

In preparation for the 42 pts tournament at Incognicon in April we hade a day of gaming at a friends house. Its a two list event, so I'll be running Jarl and pMadrak. I just got hold of the kriels stone bearers, so I had to practice running it. The list was the following:

My set up, beast on one side, kriels on the other, Ston in between. 
pMadrak +6
Earthborn 10
Dire troll Mauler 9
Troll Axer 6
Runebearer 2
Janissa Stonetide 3
Fell caller 3
Max kriel warriors 6
 - 3 cabers 3
 - Ua Piper and Standard bearer 2
Min kriel stone bearer +Elder 4

My opponent for the night played the protectorate of menoth and fielded a band of mercanaries and Reznik.

Menoth set up, Zelots opposing my kriels and
the rest opposing my beasts

Avatar of Menoth

Min Choir of Menoth
Max Holy Zealots w. Monolith bearer
Covenant of Menoth
2 Vassals of Menoth
Madelyn Corbeau
Saxon Orrik

We played Outflank. My thoughts were to dominate my left zone with the beast brick and contest the other with the kriels. I wanted the large kriel unit to be a road block for Reznik and the Avatar, and to contest. Thanks to the 11" command range with the piper, that is possible.

Turn 1
I got to go first. Since I knew he couln't reach me his turn one. Everything ran forward. The kriels spread out and Madrak dropped his five fury on the stone that didn't activate. The runebearer threw Sure foot (+2 def and knockdown immunity in a 3" bubble on madrak).

Troll turn 1
The Menoth army also advanced, though more carefully, Enliven went on his two jacks and he took a focus from the backmost wrack.
Menoth turn 1

Turn 2
So, he hadn't advanced to far forward. I saw my chance to clogg him with the kriels and advance for my turn 3. The kriels ran to clog as much as possible.
One of the cabers engaged Reznik himself over the wall and some of them ran up to shout obscenities at the holy zealots. My brick advanced with elemental communition and hid behind a Janissa summoned wall. The stone advanced and put up the aura, rendering me immune to the fire continous effects menithes are so proud of.

End of Troll turn 2
Menoth dictated that the infidels should suffer, and so Rezniks Roughnecks took up the cause.  Reznik walked away from my caber in the maintainance phase, i failed to hit him with my free strike. The holy zealots mini-feated and cleared out as many kriels as possible. Then the avatar decided enough was enough and charged my Mauler. My defense 16 arm 22 Mauler. He got in some damage, but not even crippling an aspect. That left the enlivened avatar out in the open for me. The rest of his army positioned themslefs for the next turn.

Turn 3
End of Menoth turn 2
I felt good. I felt confident. This was my game. I was going to take some points this turn and down the avatar. First of all. The kriel warriors got a charge run order. They ran so that the enlivend avatar couldnt get away. They ran to block the zone from the invincible zealots. Like marathon men they ran to charge gorman and block things. Madrak enraged the earthborn, and toed into the zone. The krielstone activated with te strength buff. "What is the pow of your weapon?" The answer puts the earthborn at P+S 23. That was one dead avatar. The rest of the gang positioned themsleves behind janissas wall. I dominated my zone and turned it over to menoth with  a confident smile.

End of troll turn 3.
Reznik saw the opportunity he needed to get to Madrak. Eiryss, who had run two turns to get into position behind madrak, shot his sure foot right off (in retrospect a mistake, as Reznik gets stronger when attacking models with upkeeps on them). A vassal shoot a kriel warrior dead and cleared the ground his leader needed. Reznik, who had moved into position in the maintainance phase, drew focus from a wrack and charged Janissa. He could see her just barely behind the earthborn. He got a freestrike on the way, but shrugged that of at the dice-1 that the P+S 23 earthborn gott of on him. Janissa was dead by the charge attack. Reznik feated. Leaving Madrak at his will with his Scroll of Grimnir and armor 18 under the stone. Due to really bad damage rolls, it came down to the last attack. It triggered the tough roll on Madrak. I failed it and lost.
Reznik makes Madrak read some sort of proclamation.

I am used to the Molik missile. But the Reznik missile? Thats a first for me. Now that I have seen it, I will probably not fall for it again. My oponent told me that that was his plan in turn two, to kill the mauler and charge over the wall.

It was a fun and quick match, and I felt going first is important with pMadrak and the stone, as he then can dump all his five fury on the stone without putting himself in danger. The positioning of the stone I felt somewhat confident with, I just need to get it painted as creatures of the night are not that good looking on the field.

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