Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Björnmaskinen, or what I learned in Västerås

Last weekend, a car full of the finest Uppsala gamers went to bring the pain to our old western neighbours in Västerås. Västerås, known for almost ABBA, is home to some friendly people who like to host tournaments. This time, four games at 35 pts with a 42min death clock was the format. I was thinking of only bringing one list, but on the car ride there, in my mind two lists would somehow be favourable. The two lists I brought were

Jarl has fielded to rid the world of Harby!
Mauler, Impaler, Pyre troll, Runebearer
Max Fennblades+Ua
Min Champs
Fell caller

Mauler, Storm troll
Max Champs
Max Burrowers
Fell caller
Min Krielstone + Ua

As soon as I started playing with Jarl, I realised that choosing to play with two lists was a mistake. Jarl is super fun. Magic bullet is awesome. Unfortunately, I had not packed the kriel warriors that I wanted to run with Jarl, so the fenns were chosen instead.. The tournament went rather bad for me, I went 1-3 in the games, but I really felt like I should have won two more of the games. What is important to take with me is what I learned from the losses and the win.

Game 1
Harbringer was the opposition. Two big canons, the avatar, a monk, another stealth solo, support. My Mauler got shot of the table in the first turn. I managed to bring Harby down to a low level, but the chance wise I was never really close. My fenns had a hard time hitting the high def solos, and even though I magic bulleted them some times, Harby just brought them back. Kriels would have been nice, as the combined melee attacks would have had a better chance at hitting the solos. The most important thing I learned is that the big canons are fire type damage. Pyre animus is apparently more awesome than I thought.

Game 2
Harby had a smaller force with her, enough to subdue Jarl.
eHexaris together with Tiberion, a Bronzeback, a Gladiator and support fielded themselves in front of Jarl.
eOscar who commanded the forces, almost handed me the game by charging tiberion out of Hexaris control and let me dominate his zone on his turn 2. Jarl had rolled very, high damage on Tiberion, so he was not hard to kill. It was close in the end, as my Mauler had much trouble hitting a Ashen veiled Gladiator. Hexaris got to bite the bullet and died. What I can pick up from this game is to never get locked in to a strategy, my Mauler was probably in charge range of the the enemy objective and killing it would have won me the game immediately.

Game 3
After lunch, bacon was served. Midas got to face Calandra. The game went really well for me. Star crossed saved my mauler, who proceeded to one round two road hogs (feat and rage). But I had left Calandra too exposed without bulled dodger on her. Mistake. She died to the undead pigs Midas summoned. Bullet dodger would possibly have saved her. Also, she really need a runebearer.

Game 4
The grudge match of death. My brother fielded his eMakeda and loaded the Molik missile. Jarl loaded his two guns and sighed. I got first turn and ran up. Makeda ran up as well, exposing herself a bit too much. I cleared the way from nihilators with two magic bullets on the same targets, due to tough. Then the fennblades charged. Four of them got in on her, and three hit. It wasn't enough to kill her, and I moved the rest of my stuff up the field and had Jarl behind a line of champs that stood behind six fennblades in turn.
Boom, Head shoot! Molik Missile straight to Jarl
Turns out, eMakedas feat and nihilators clear up fenns easily. The Molik Missile fired onto one of the champs, killing him and sidestepping to reach Jarl. GG. Two things I could have done better. Feat protectively, denying charge lanes, and not move up so far with Jarl. It was also really close that a nihilator berserked Makeda to death, but needing 10s to kill was not something that the dice gods allowed today.

Even though it could have gone better for me, it was a really nice tournament and I hopefully will go there again soon!


  1. I will get you next time!!!!!!

    1. I hope not, or else I won't get a win at all...
