Monday, 20 May 2013

Incognicon part 3

Rally point scenario
For the last two games, I decided to not let pMadraks crampy brick style of play be the list I would play. Jarl would see the table in both the last games, regardless of match ups. Game four was against Khador. The two lists were pVlad double Conquest or 3Vlad and only horses. Fun lists, both of them. He decided to go with the double conquest list:


Conquest, Conquest,
Battle mechaniks
Eirys, Aiyana and Holt

Troll turn 1, the khador set up is visible on the other side.
We played the scenario Rally point, which has movable objectives that can dominate themselves. I got to start, but he still set up his conquests first, as we played by the rules. They went in the center with a hole between them. I set up my battle group mid, my kriels on the right and my fenns on the left. I hoped that sheer number of charging attacks would win over the two colossals facing me.

My first turn was running forward, as per usual. I also forgot to use tactical supremacy on Jarl. I actually think that missing that extra three inches could have won me the game the following turn.
Vlad started his turn by calling the blood of kings and summoning his signature spell signs and portence or what ever it is called. Stars crossed inverted, as trolls know it. The Conquests walked up and fired of some stray shots without doing much damage. They put down their covering fire, and the board began to fill with circles.

Vlad is under siege by four fennblades!
My second turn. The fennblades got yelled on by the fellcaller. One got the rage buff from the mauler, then they charged. No quarter was used and they ran incredible distances to charge the left conquest and vlad. Due to bad dice, the covering fire did not do much and almost all of them found their targets. They merely dented the conquest, but put some hurt to vlad. The kriels and champs ran through the covering fire, and took minimal damage. Jarl, not being in dominating distance from the objective had to move up to it. If he would have done that last turn, he could have shot Vlad with the impaler buff. But he feated, do protect my army and block LOS.

On vlads turn, he decided to back off, Star crossed inversion again. The conquests killed some stuffs and got healed. If I couldn't reach vlad, this game would be tough. My next turn i went for the kill. Jarl got buffed and took two shoots at vlad. He went down... to one hp. Damn. The rest of the turn consisted in moving up and keeping jarl safe. One or two mechs fell, and more scratches were applied to the conquests.

Vlad ran. He ran like a mouse. Down to the top right corner of the field. How would I reach him?
King of the hill, very close to the conquest. 
The conquests slowly churned down my fenns and some champs. On my turn, we looked at angles. Using a straight line laser pointer, i tried to find angles that could be used to see vlad. Jarl activated, threw quicken on himself and walked up on the hill on the top right of the board. But Aiyanna was in the way of seeing vlad. But, if I could kill her, i could walk two inches more. So he readied his first gun and took the shot. Holt replied with removing the shot. Ok. What to do. Fortunately for my, my kriels had run up as a back up plan. Jarl magic bulleted his other pistol, and asked Dhunia for forgiveness. The caber thrower never saw the bullet, and the back strike bonus made the shot fly true. The last roll of the game was to put one damage on vlad under the blood of kings. 2d6-7 i think. Rolled 8. Game over.

Vlad played a bit to aggressive this game. I think that I would have ground him down anyway. Magic bullet of the conquests to kill the mechs, and flood him with attacks. The ponylist would probably have been better, but the as the fenns don't take impact attacks, that could have been hard too. Last part of the tournament report coming up soon!


  1. From reading and watching the photos it looks like you should've been able to win the game against Vlad on scenario fairly well. Your infantry stops him from getting into the zones and you can just dominate your way to a win. Did you consider this?
    Congratulations on the win!

  2. I actually did. But Eirys was a tough nut to crack. She is def high, and the one fenn engaging her could not manage to hit. I moved the fellcaller to attack her, but she was in one of the few forests and hard to reach. Thank you anyways!

    1. Magic bullet on your own guy. ;)
      Read part 4 as well where you explained you only had assassination focus the last two games so that explained it well I think.
      I have a friend who tends to do the same so I'm going to take some time to teach him to see scenario possibilities as well.
