Monday, 30 June 2014

Speed painting Circle

Last week, I tried to start painting my Circle that I bought over a year ago. As I still have a lot of Trolls on the painting table, I wanted to try some new techniques and paint much much faster than I usually do.
The circle i painted was a Feral, a Stalker, an Argus, a Winter argus, two units of stones and pKaya. In total, it took me about 5 hours. Drybrushing and inking was the main techniques, and it was fun to see it all come together so quickly.

The painted circle force.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Prize for the first Uppsala Summer Mangle!

This weekend I am running a 16 people tournament at Ungdomens Hus in Uppsala. I just completed the first prize. This summer sure will turn out a bit more swaggy for the lucky winner!