As usual, I went with Jarl, eMadrak and Calandra. I really like the three together and will probably keep playing them.
-Impaler, Mauler, Pyre, Slag, Runebearer
-Full fenns+Ua, Krielboat with only 2 cabers, Min krielstone+ua
-Fell caller, Stone scribe chronicler
-Impaler, Pyre
-Full fenns+ua, Full krielboat, Full burrowers, Full warders, Full krielstone+ua
-Fell caller, Stone scribe chronicler
-Mulg, Earthborn, Mauler, Axer, Runebearer
-Min stone+ua, Max burrowers,
-Fell caller, Janissa
Round 1
Arrrgh! Pirates. Ossrum with pirates and an Earthbreaker. As the scenario was Close quarters I fielded my eMadrak list, both to deal with his colossals and as I can really pressure him in a kill box scenario. The game was going in my favour I though, my fenns removed the earthbreaker quite easily with Blood fury, and I thought I was clearing out many of the pirates. But I made a crucial mistake in moving my army towards the left, when I should just have gone towards ossrum. That gave him some breathing room to get to my flag and start scoring. The pirates with grogspar and first mate hawk were to hard for my kriel warriors to clear out. Game to Hugo! It was the first time I was up against pirates, from now on, I will assume all attacks are always boosted, instead of looking at the base stats...
For Hugos take on the match:
Round 2
Ossyan, with halbardiers, mage hunters strike force, stormfall archers, and a Jack. Against Ret I think i want the threat range, and dropped Jarl. I got the first round and moved up. His mage hunter strike force and stormfall archers killed a few of my fennblades, and his halbardiers advanced towards my kriel boat. On my turn, I saw that Ossyan had placed himself a bit to close to Jarl (i.e. shorter than 22") and was camping nothing. At defense 15, I had to go for two boosted pistols at him. The first missed, but the other more than compensated by leaving him at 4 boxes. I feated, threw tactical supremacy on my kriel warriors, who killed some halbardiers and then moved into and behind the fog. My fennblades charged the mage hunter strikeforce to avenge their fallen brothers, and my beasts moved up to protect Jarl from any shenanigans.
Ossyan felt the pressure, I believe we were playing incursion. He tried to protect himself with quicken, standing in a field. The storm fall archers and mage hunters got rid of the rest of the fenns. And the halbs started to decimate my kriel warriors where they could.
On my third turn I went all out on assassination. My slag and my pyre were at the same distance from Ossyan, so the slag went first to see whether he could reach ossyan with his 5"+8" walk and shoot. He did. And killed ossyan, hitting him with a 14 on three dice. Even though he hit, Jarl probably would have too, aiming (as Ossyan moved closer onto rough terrain) and only needing boosted 10s to hit.
Round 3
Zaal, with Hakar, Nihilators, reptile hounds, a gladiator and venator rievers. The scenario was destruction. Perfect for my calandra brick. This game went really in my favour, dice wise. I moved my brick up. My burrowers popped and killed some nihilators. On his turn, the Nihilators killed one or two burrowers, due to stars crossed and tough checks. On my next turn, I easily clear the zone and destroy the objective, scoring 3 cp.
On Zaals turn, he feats, getting a really good chance to kill calandra. The venator reivers take a shot at her, which I had to transfer, leaving me at 2 transfers. Then Hakar gets into calandra, without Mulg being able to protect her. One transfer and two attacks later, the last standed Hakar with bodies to boost has two attacks left and Calandra only has 5 boxes. Then it happens, five dice to hit. 4-1-1-1-1. Remove the highest due to stars crossed. The attack misses, and I have a transfer left, and Hakar only has one attack. He hits and rolls two for damage. The result is that I win on scenario, befuddling his stuff out of the zone and winning on scenario 5-0. The total army points destroyed was 12, for the both of us.
Round 4
Skorne again, pMakeda along with a Mammoth, Certrati, Brute, krea, could have been incinidari also, but I don't really remember. I fielded eMadrak, because flooding is fun, and it really felt like I won in the list selection stage. The game ended my round two (i started) when my Impaler got a crit on the Krea, standing in front of Makeda, leaving her knocked down in front of my blood furied burrowers.
What can I say, crit happens.
Round 5
Khador and pIrusk. Kayazi, Doom reavers, Black dragon IFP with a kovnink, Devastator, Aiana&Holt and Great bears. The last game of the Masters, and I dropped Jarl. It felt like a good drop where I could attrition him. And it was an attritionfest. The scenario was balance of power. With my larger threat range than him, I positioned myself so that his doom reavers could not charge me, only run to engage. Irusks first turn was to run up and feat. Jarl cleared the way so that my fenns could charge, then feated himself to hide the kriel warriors and himself from the kayazi.
The kayazi ran to engage the kriel warriors, and the IFP were not really in the game yet, making some sort of flanking manoeuvre. My mauler ate his devestator, and my kriels bowled themselves over the kayazi. The fenns scared Holt after Aiana died. Irusk returned by the great bears killing the mauler, and the IFP removing most of the kriels. But after me removing the great bears, and picking away at the IFP, which were down to about half, thing were looking good for me, having the impaler, slag and pyre left along with a caber and some kriels and two fennblades.
The game ended when pIrusk tried to get to Jarl, placing himself in the zone with iron flesh, thinking I could not hurt him with my fell caller. With a hard caber in the back, my kriel warrior leader made an abrubt stop to that thought. Knocked down Irusk with 2 camp and a slag standing next to him. He died.
So 4-1 in the Masters put me in 7th place. I am satisfied, with that and my performance overall, although 3-2 would have been a more reasonable result when looking at the insane luck surviving the Hakar assassination.
I now have remembered to place Mulg so that he can aid Calandra, if needed.
It was a great tournament with a nice hang on the Saturday evening! I didn't take any photos, apparently. Totally forgot about that. So here is a photo of the new cat I am taking care of for the local cat shelter.
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Hitl.. Oops, I mean Mick. One of my two cats. |